Mahan Kosh Encyclopedia, Gurbani Dictionaries and Punjabi/English Dictionaries.
SGGS Gurmukhi/Hindi to Punjabi-English/Hindi Dictionary |
Julam. ਜ਼ੁਲਮ, ਧੱਕਾ, ਅਤਿਆਚਾਰ। oppression, tyranny. ਉਦਾਹਰਨ: ਜੋਰ ਜੁਲਮ ਫੂਲਹਿ ਘਨੋ ਕਾਚੀ ਦੇਹ ਬਿਕਾਰ ॥ Raga Gaurhee 5, Baavan Akhree, 24 Salok:1 (P: 255).
SGGS Gurmukhi-English Dictionary |
[n.] (from Per. Zulam) cruelty, tyranny, oppression
SGGS Gurmukhi-English Data provided by
Harjinder Singh Gill, Santa Monica, CA, USA.
English Translation |
n.m. atrocity, tyranny, oppression, persecution, cruelty, brutality, outrage; also ਜ਼ੁਲਮ.
Mahan Kosh Encyclopedia |
ਅ਼. [ظُلم] ਜ਼ੁਲਮ. ਨਾਮ/n. ਜ਼ੋਰ. ਧੱਕਾ. ਜ਼ਯਾਦਤੀ। 2. ਬੇ ਇਨਸਾਫ਼ੀ. ਅਨਿਆਂ. “ਜੋਰ ਜੁਲਮ ਫੂਲਹਿ ਘਨੋ.” (ਬਾਵਨ). Footnotes: X
Mahan Kosh data provided by Bhai Baljinder Singh (RaraSahib Wale);