Amirt KeertanLanguage:  Go Home

1.Bathing in the nectar tank of Ram Das,
2.Baygumpura, 'the city without sorrow', is the name of the town.
3.Be gone, O my laziness, that I may pray to the Lord.
4.Be happy, dear beloved, as long as your youth is fresh and delightful.
5.Be kind to me, O Merciful God, and bless me with this wealth and success.
6.Be Merciful and attune my mind, so that I might meditate continually on the Lord's Name, night and day.
7.Be Merciful, O my Beloved Lord and Master, that I may behold the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan with my eyes.
8.Be wakeful, O my awakening mind!.
9.Beautiful is that place, where the Holy people dwell.
10.Beautiful is the night, and beautiful is the day,
11.Become the servant of the Saints, and learn this way of life.
12.Beg for such blessings from the Lord of the Universe:
13.Begging, begging - it is noble to beg for the Lord's Praise from the Guru. ||4||
14.Behold the flowers flowering, and the blossoms blossoming forth!
15.Behold, a wondrous miracle has happened!
16.Behold, O Siblings of Destiny, the storm of spiritual wisdom has come.
17.Beholding her, all are bewitched:
18.Beholding the Blessed Vision of the Guru's Darshan, I live.
19.Belief in You, Lord, brings honor.
20.Believing, all tastes are sweet. Hearing, the salty flavors are tasted;
21.Beneath the tree, all beings have gathered.
22.Bestow Your Mercy, and dwell within my heart; please, become my Helper. ||1||Pause||
23.Bless me with such mercy, Lord,
24.Bless me with Your Grace, God, O Merciful to the meek.
25.Blessed and good is such a kirtanee, who sings such Praises.
26.Blessed Guru Raam Daas with the Glorious Greatness of the Naam.
27.Blessed is that love, which is attuned to the Lord's Feet.
28.Blessed is that soul-bride, who realizes God.
29.Blessed is that time, when the Blessed Vision of His Darshan is given;
30.Blessed is the ancestry, blessed is the father, and blessed is that mother who gave birth to this humble servant.
31.Blessed is the Creator, the True King, who has linked the whole world to its tasks.
32.Blessed is this place, where the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe are sung.
33.Blessed, blessed are those Gursikhs, who, with their ears, listen to the Guru's Teachings about the Lord.
34.Blessed, blessed is Guru Raam Daas; He who created You, has also exalted You.
35.Blessed, blessed is the father; blessed, blessed is the family; blessed, blessed is the mother, who gave birth to the Guru.
36.Body, mind, wealth and everything, I surrender to my Lord.
37.Both here and hereafter, the Mighty Guru protects me.
38.Bowing down, again and again, I fall at the Feet of my Guru; through Him, I have seen the Lord, the Divine Self, within.
39.Bringing the pitcher, I fill it with water, to bathe the Lord.
40.Bronze is bright and shiny, but when it is rubbed, its blackness appears.
41.Build the raft of meditation and self-discipline, to carry you across the river.
42.Burn emotional attachment, and grind it into ink. Transform your intelligence into the purest of paper.
43.Burning and burning, writhing in pain, I wring my hands.
44.but in your intoxication, you do not hear it, O Yogi. ||1||Pause||
45.but these are not equal to the celestial melody of the Naam, the Name of the Lord of the Universe.
46.but without devotional worship to the Lord, he is buried beneath the dirt. ||2||
47.By all sorts of efforts, people do not find salvation.
48.By blessed destiny, I have found my Husband Lord.
49.By dancing and jumping, devotional worship is not performed.
50.By God's Grace, I meditate on the Lord, Har, Har.
51.By great good fortune, such a Guru is found;
52.By great good fortune, the Blessed Vision of His Darshan is obtained,
53.By great good fortune, the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises are sung.
54.By Guru's Grace, bliss is obtained.
55.By Guru's Grace, contemplate spiritual knowledge; read it and study it, and you shall be honored.
56.By Guru's Grace, He dwells within my mind; whatever I ask for, I receive.
57.By Guru's Grace, it comes to dwell in the mind. ||1||Pause||
58.By Guru's Grace, one comes to understand, and then, the account is settled.
59.By Guru's Grace, see that the Temple of the Lord is within you.
60.By His Command, the rain begins to fall.
61.By His Grace, He grants liberation in His Court; He forgives them for their sins. ||4||
62.By mere words, Yoga is not attained.
63.By the actions we have committed, we are separated from You. Please show Your Mercy, and unite us with Yourself, Lord.
64.By the Blessed Vision of the True Guru's Darshan, the fire of desire is quenched.
65.By the Blessed Vision of their Darshan, millions of sins are erased.
66.By the Grace of the Saints, one chants the Lord's Name.
67.By what virtues can I meet the Lord of life, O my mother? ||1||Pause||
68.By Your Command, the month of Saawan has come.
69.By Your Grace, I chant Your Name.

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