Amirt KeertanLanguage:  Go Home

1.Hail to You, Lord, hail to You! Again and again, hail to You, Lord King, Ruler of all! ||1||Pause||
2.Hail to You, O Father Lord, Hail to You!
3.Have mercy on me, O Generous Giver, Lord of the meek; please do not consider my merits and demerits.
4.Have pity on me, O my Lord and Master.
5.Having attacked Khuraasaan, Baabar terrified Hindustan.
6.Having wandered through foreign lands, I have come here to do business.
7.He alone appreciates the value of Your Love, upon whom You shower Your Grace, O Lord. ||1||Pause||
8.He alone experiences this springtime of the soul, unto whom God grants His Grace.
9.He alone is a great king, who keeps the Naam, the Name of the Lord, within his heart.
10.He alone is a silent sage, who subdues his mind's duality.
11.He alone is called a warrior, who is attached to the Lord's Love in this age.
12.He alone is the Master of all. ||1||Pause||
13.He alone meditates on You forever and ever, O Primal Lord, O Architect of Destiny, unto whom You grant Your Grace. ||1||
14.He alone obeys Your Will, O Lord, unto whom You are Merciful.
15.He alone sings Your Ambrosial Naam,
16.He arises and departs with regret, and falls into the clutches of the Messenger of Death. ||1||
17.He bears vengeance against the Lord who is free of vengeance. The fool is not up to the task.
18.He cannot be obtained by offering your weight in gold.
19.He chants the Lord's Name,
20.He claims to know the Lord, who is beyond measure and beyond thought;
21.He commits many millions of sins.
22.He created millions of incarnations of Vishnu.
23.He created you out of this water.
24.He decides to go to the west, but the Lord leads him away to the east.
25.He did not take my accounts into account; such is His forgiving nature.
26.He dispels the pains of countless incarnations, and lends support to the dry and shrivelled mind.
27.He does not consider my merits or demerits.
28.He does not die, so I do not fear.
29.He does not leave me, and He always keeps me company. Meeting the Guru, night and day, I sing His Praises. ||1||Pause||
30.He does not let His devotees see the difficult times; this is His innate nature.
31.He ever preserves and cherishes His servant; with Love, He hugs him close.
32.He fashioned you from clay, and made your priceless body.
33.He finds God, the Giver of peace, with feelings of joy.
34.He has blessed Hargobind with long life, and taken care of my comfort, happiness and well-being. ||1||Pause||
35.He has extended His power in all four directions, and placed His hand upon my head.
36.He has linked His servant to His service.
37.He has saved me from the awful power of Maya, by attaching me to His feet.
38.He Himself adorns the happy soul-brides; they bear Him love and affection.
39.He Himself forgives the worthless, O Siblings of Destiny; He commits them to the service of the True Guru.
40.He Himself has become my help and support.
41.He Himself has come to me, in His Natural Way.
42.He Himself is the Enjoyer, and He Himself is the Enjoyment. He Himself is the Ravisher of all.
43.He Himself loves in so many ways. O sister soul-brides, He is my Beloved.
44.He Himself merges us with Himself.
45.He Himself preserves His servants; He causes them to chant His Name.
46.He Himself preserves the honor of His servants; their glorious greatness becomes perfect. ||1||
47.He infuses the breath into the dead bodies, and he reunited the separated ones.
48.He installed the royal canopy over Lehna's head; chanting the Lord's Praises, He drank in the Ambrosial Nectar.
49.He is attached to whatever God attaches him to. ||1||Pause||
50.He is dear to me; He fascinates my mind; He is the ornament of my heart, the support of the breath of life.
51.He is forever the Savior of His slaves.
52.He is imperishable, the Giver of all beings; meditating on Him, all filth is removed.
53.He is my friend, companion, child, relative and sibling.
54.He is my very life, the Giver of life. ||1||Pause||
55.He is near at hand; He is the eternal Companion of the soul.
56.He is the Supreme Lord God, the Perfect Transcendent Lord; O my mind, hold tight to the Support of the One
57.He leaves the womb, and comes into the world;
58.He makes jewels out of the dust,
59.he may recite the four Vedas by heart,.
60.He opens his loin-cloth, and spreads it out beneath him.
61.He places the one who strays back on the Path;
62.He plays with me, He fondles and caresses me. Forever and ever, He blesses me with bliss.
63.He sings the song of the One Universal Creator; he sings the tune of the One Lord.
64.He washes off the filth of other peoples' incarnations, but he obtains the rewards of his own actions.
65.He, my Lord Master, is fully pervading all places.
66.Hear me, O my Dear Husband God - I am all alone in the wilderness.
67.Hear my prayer, Lord; You are the Divine Light of the Divine, the Primal, All-pervading Master.
68.Hear my prayer, O God, O Merciful to the meek.
69.Hear my prayer, O Lord and Master; Nanak begs for this happiness:
70.Hear my prayer, O my Lord and Master; all beings and creatures were created by You.
71.Hear, O my companions, my Husband, my Lord Master, possesses me.
72.Hearing of His Greatness, everyone calls Him Great.
73.Hearing of You, I live.
74.Hearing Your Name, I live.
75.Hello, my friend, hello my friend. Is there any good news?
76.Here and hereafter, God is forever my Help and Support.
77.Here and hereafter, He is our Savior.
78.Here and there, in each and every heart, and each and every being, You, O Fascinating Lord, You exist. ||1||
79.Hey, soul: your only Support is the Naam, the Name of the Lord.
80.His Blessings are so abundant that there can be no written account of them.
81.His Darbaar, His Court, is the most lofty and exalted.
82.His life wastes away as he cries out, ""Mine, mine!
83.His Mansions are so comfortable, and His gates are so lofty.
84.His Name, and His Name alone, is the Support of the breath of life. ||1||Pause||
85.His Place is sacred, and His Glory is sacred; sacred are those who listen and speak of Him.
86.His service is insignificant, but his demands are very great.
87.Holy Saadhus: forsake the pride of your mind.
88.Holy Saadhus: sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe.
89.Holy Saadhus: the Lord fashioned the creation.
90.hoping to meet God. ||1||Pause||
91.How can anyone be saved? How can anyone cross over the terrifying world-ocean?
92.How can I cross over the world-ocean?
93.How can I even describe my actions? This is how I wasted my life.
94.How can I express the pain of my soul?
95.How can I live without my Beloved, O my mother?
96.How can I live, O my mother?
97.How can I meet my Beloved True Guru?
98.How can I survive without the Lord? I am suffering in pain.
99.How can one who is already dyed in the color of the Lord's Love, be colored any other color?
100.How can the beautiful fortress be conquered, O Siblings of Destiny?
101.How can the ignorant soul-bride obtain the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan, while she is in this world of her father's home?
102.How can the slanderer of the Holy Saints be saved?
103.How can this poor heart be comforted?
104.How could I ever forget You? It would be so painful!
105.How handsome is your turban! And how sweet is your speech.
106.How long must one search for angle bells and cymbals, and how long must one play the guitar?
107.How may I meet my Master, the King, the Lord of the Universe?
108.How may I obtain the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan? ||1||Pause||
109.How rare are those who understand the Guru's Teachings!
110.How rare is such a person, who kills and casts off duality.
111.Hundreds of thousands of princely pleasures are enjoyed, if the True Guru bestows His Glance of Grace.

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