Amirt KeertanLanguage:  Go Home

1.Yoga is not the patched coat, Yoga is not the walking stick. Yoga is not smearing the body with ashes.
2.You alone are my Chief Advisor.
3.You alone are the king.
4.You alone know Your Creative Power, O Lord; no one else knows it.
5.You alone teach me Your Ways.
6.You always preserve the honor of Your devotees, O Dear Lord; You have protected them from the very beginning of time.
7.You are called the Lord and Master, the Guru of the World.
8.You are everywhere, wherever I go, O True Creator Lord.
9.You are infinite - only a few know this.
10.You are lotus-eyed, with sweet speech, exalted and embellished with millions of companions. Mother Yashoda invited You as Krishna to eat the sweet rice.
11.You are me, and I am You-what is the difference between us?
12.You are Merciful, the Destroyer of all pain. Please give me Your Ear and listen to my prayer.
13.You are my Beloved, so what hunger can I have?
14.You are my Companion; You are my Best Friend.
15.You are my Creator, and I am Your servant.
16.You are my Father, and You are my Mother.
17.You are my Father, and You are my Mother.
18.You are my Father, and You are my Mother; You are my Loving Friend and Sibling.
19.You are my Friend, You are my Beloved.
20.You are my Intimate Beloved, You are my breath of life.
21.You are my Life, the very Support of my breath of life.
22.You are my Loving Beloved Enticing Lord of the World.
23.You are my Sumayr Mountain, O my Lord and Master; I have grasped Your Support.
24.You are my support, You are my hope.
25.You are my waves, and I am Your fish.
26.You are our Lord and Master; to You, I offer this prayer.
27.You are sandalwood, and I am the poor castor oil plant, dwelling close to you.
28.You are sitting on the collapsing riverbank-are you blind?
29.You are the all-powerful Cause of causes.
30.You are the Emperor, and I call You a chief - how does this add to Your greatness?
31.You are the Giver of all beings; please, come to dwell within my mind.
32.You are the Giver of souls, O my Beloved God.
33.You are the Giver, O Lord, O Cherisher, my Master, my Husband Lord.
34.You are the Great Giver; You continue to give.
35.You are the honor of the dishonored. O Master, in You I place my trust.
36.You are the Ocean of Water, and I am Your fish.
37.You are the River, All-knowing and All-seeing. I am just a fish-how can I find Your limit?
38.You are the support of my mind and body, O Beloved; You are the support of my mind and body.
39.You are the Support of Your devotees, and the Shelter of the Saints, O True Creator Lord. ||1||Pause||
40.You are the treasure of peace, O my Beloved God.
41.You are the True Guru, throughout the four ages; You Yourself are the Transcendent Lord.
42.You are the True Support of me, the poor mortal, O my Perfect True Guru.
43.You are wise; You are eternal and unchanging. You are my social class and honor.
44.You barbaric brute, with your primitive intellect - reverse your breath and turn it inward.
45.You bless the poor with wealth, O Lord.
46.You do not know the Name of the Lord.
47.You entrusted everything to me, when I became Your slave.
48.You feel no love for the One who created and embellished you.
49.You fool! You are attached and clinging to such trivial pleasures!
50.You fool, why are you not meditating on the Lord now?
51.You gather wealth by exploiting people.
52.You have avoided the slumber of attachment and impurity - by whose favor has this happened?
53.You have forgotten your religion, O madman; you have forgotten your religion.
54.You keep your fasts to please Allah, while you murder other beings for pleasure.
55.You kill living beings, and call it a righteous action. Tell me, brother, what would you call an unrighteous action?
56.You know, and I am nothing, O Lord, Destroyer of fear.
57.You make me do what pleases You.
58.You may act in secrecy, but God is still with you; you can only deceive other people.
59.You may anoint your limbs with sandalwood oil,
60.You may make donations of gold,
61.You may taste the other flavors,
62.You must abandon your beauty, pleasures, fragrances and enjoyments; beguiled by gold and sexual desire, you must still leave Maya behind. ||1||Pause||
63.You rub your body with sandalwood oil, and place basil leaves on your forehead.
64.You save by Your Merciful Grace.
65.You shall have to abandon the straw which you have collected.
66.You shall obtain peace, poise and bliss,
67.You tear off the leaves, O gardener, but in each and every leaf, there is life.
68.You unfortunate man - have you no shame?
69.You walk like a cow.
70.You were not able to make yourself a raft when you should have.
71.You, God, are the Giver of gifts, the Lord of perfect understanding; I am a mere beggar at Your Door.
72.Your actions seem so sweet to me.
73.Your Command is upon my head, and I no longer question it.
74.Your devotees are forever hungry for You.
75.Your Face is so Beautiful, and the Sound of Your Words imparts intuitive wisdom.
76.Your home, power and wealth will be of no use to you.
77.Your humble servant awakes in the Love of the Lord's Name.
78.Your humble servant dances and sings Your Glorious Praises.
79.Your humble servant listens to Your Praises with delight. ||1||Pause||
80.Your humble servant, O Lord, is intoxicated with Your sublime essence.
81.Your Husband Lord is so very near, O foolish bride; why do you search for Him outside?.
82.Your Lord and Master has given you the breath of life and food to sustain you; Oh, why have you forgotten Him?
83.Your Name alone is the color, in which the robe of my body is dyed. This color is permanent, O my Beloved. ||1||Pause||
84.Your Name alone, Lord, saves the world.
85.Your Name is Ambrosial Nectar, O Lord Master; Your humble servant drinks in this supreme elixir.
86.Your Name is so beautiful! Your form is so beautiful! Your Love is so very beautiful, O my Lord. ||1||Pause||
87.Your Name is the medicine, O Merciful Lord.
88.Your Name is the only ornament I wish for.
89.Your Name, God, is the Purifier of sinners.
90.Your Name, Lord, is my adoration and cleansing bath.
91.Your Name, O my Beloved, is the Saving Grace of the world.
92.Your Name, O Transcendent Lord, is Ambrosial Nectar; whoever meditates on it, lives.
93.Your Saints are very fortunate; their homes are filled with the wealth of the Lord's Name.
94.Your servant offers this prayer, O Beloved:
95.Your servants are totally fulfilled, throughout the ages; O Waahay Guru, it is all You, forever.
96.Your time of service is at its end, and you will have to give your account.
97.Your Unspoken Speech cannot be spoken.

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